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A photograph, often perceived as capturing a moment, is in fact a richness fed by the depths of the imagination, creating endless stories. The frame is clear, light and color are perfectly placed; though it may seem like a frozen moment or a timeless view, just as in every art form, in photography too, the mind of the creator and the viewer does not accept chains.

Who can prevent the photographer or the viewer of a photograph from embarking on mental journeys into the past, experiencing their joys, sorrows, unfulfilled moments, and dreams for the future, all through a single frame? A photograph, which we consider to be just a "moment," can become "time" itself and flow away...

Ara Güler says, “Life is a blank film given to you. Try to fill each frame perfectly.” This is where art, including photography as one of its branches, becomes a harbor amidst the chaos created by human beings’ daily rush, their frantic attempts to reach unreachable places. Whether you call it aesthetic pleasure, beauty, pain, confrontation, or something else, it is a journey of self-discovery, and a meeting point with others through oneself.

The camera is just an object, and so are the photographs we print on paper or view on a screen. It is the human who gives meaning—the human who can think, is aware of their thoughts, remembers the past, lives in the present, and dreams of the future.

Photography, moments, time, space, people… Good luck to anyone who can stop those who think and dream.

As for photography festivals, they are an entirely different celebration of art. Each photographer is a world of their own, and each exhibition is a meeting of these worlds... Talks, events…

As Seneca said, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." In the midst of a growing and maturing festival, life, as always, offered us the chance for a new beginning. With the motto "new beginnings bring new hopes," this is a cry, an objection that grows from the personal to the universal, with a theme drawn from the essence of life itself.

This objection is sometimes with the city we grow old in together,
This objection is sometimes with the blaring horns in response to the chirping of birds,
This objection is sometimes with the windows through which we can no longer breathe.
From us,
From within,
With all that we've gathered.
To be written on the 14th page of the novel "BURSAFOTOFEST"

As a result of objections, the NEW Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, the NEW BUFSAD Administration, and together with Curator Ms. Laleper Aytek, who has succeeded in framing daily life in different perspectives, are on the path to a brand NEW photofest...

To many more photofests...

President of BUFSAD